
The DFE FSM Ever6 report definition files have been released to all schools via Anycomms. Once imported into this report provides a list based on the method used by the DFE to calculate eligibility for the Spring Census 2020.

To import the report, extract the .zip file from your Misc Anycomms folder: S | Other | In | Misc.

Next go to Reports | Import and browse for the report definition file.

Please note that this report can only be used as an approximation of FSM Ever6 as used by the DFE for allocation Deprivation Pupil Premium. For example, the DFE knows the year taught in reported for pupils in the School Census when pupils attended a previous school but that is not available to the current school.

If you have any issues importing or running this report, please log a call with the IT Service Desk. 01473 265555