
The reserves in the Fund Allocation screen represent the difference between your estimated carryforward and your actual carryforward amount. Therefore this amount, either positive or negative, needs to be allocated against a Cost Centre and Ledger Code.

To do this, go to Focus>Budget Management>Cost Centre Allocation.

Find the relevant cost centre you wish to amend, we would recommend that this is your projected reserves. For Table 3 amounts this should be under cost centre HC05 and for capital amounts under cost centre YC02 (please note that cost centres can differ from school to school).

Once you have selected the cost centre, double click on the ledger code for projected reserves or capital reserves. This will bring up a screen detailing the amount you already have loaded on the code. Simply amend this to include the amount in your reserves within Fund Allocation (if it is a positive figure, add to your projected reserves figure, if it is negative then take this away).

Save and write a narrative for the process.

When you check Fund Allocation again you should see zero in your reserves (you may still have pence left within them but anything less than £1 is acceptable).